Import instruction

Here’s a help guide on how to perform easy and quick bulk import from your inventory file (it has to be in a .csv format).

1. Log in to using your email and pass.

2. When you are in vendor administration section, select ‘import products’.

3. Start creation of a new import list / preset.

4. Fill in required fields:

- Name your preset.

- Select the category for a product in this list (Note: a certain category has to be selected manually, otherwise the system will not be able to identify the product type with 100% accuracy).

- Choose the necessary .csv file.

Click ‘Create’.

5. After the creation is completed, ‘Fields mapping’ tab will appear. Select it to match columns and do attribution.

6. Columns of the original .csv file have to be distributed between the 7 suggested fields:

4 properties:

- product code

- price

- product name

- description


3 features:

- transmission model

- brand

- part type (most precise product type definition – ‘friction lining’, ‘bearing’, ‘solenoid’, etc.)

Note: one single column in the original .csv file can be used multiple times depending on what info it contains and what is best suitable for the user.

7. Once these previous steps are done, start import and you will fill in your microstore.