Automatic transmission repair in Madera or find others
905 S Gateway Dr
Madera , California 93637
United States of America (USA)
Member of automotive association:
Year of foundation of the company on the market
ATF change
Transmission flushing
Transmission diagnostics
Transmission programming
Manual transmission repair
Fleet maintenance services
Automatic transmission repair
Transmission tuning
Heavy Duty or Truck service
Transmission parts sale
Transmissions sale
Torque converter sale
Valve body sale
Transfer case repair
CVT repair
DSG repair
Valve body repair
Torque converter repair
Payment options:
Card payment
For greater convenience:
We speak Spanish
Tow car services
Comfortable waiting room
Benefits of our transmission shop:
Dyno-tested transmissions
Certified rebuilder
We are equipped with:
Transmission Dyno
Valve Body Test machine
Solenoid Test machine
Torque converter repair equipment

We provide auto repair services to Madera California since 1970. Our professional specialists are well-trained and experienced to offer exceptional services. We focus on gearbox repairs for different models of vehicles.

Our services include the following: automatic gearbox repair, diagnostics, manual clutch service & repair, manual gearbox repair, ATF change, transfer case repair.

We have at our disposal advanced diagnostic tools. We work with foreign and domestic gearboxes, including Allisons, 4x4s, and vintage gearboxes. Madera Transmission is one of the only workshops in the area to build Torque Converters.

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