68RFE Sonnax Transmission parts, repair guidelines, problems, manuals

Transmission general data

Number of gears Transmission Type Drive ATF (full capacity) L ATF (change) L ATF type
6 AT AWD 15,7 6,5 Mopar ATF+4
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Technical issues and repair guidelines

During the reassembly, specialists use the following repair kits:

-Kit of gaskets and seals or a complete kit of gaskets, seals, frictions and steel discs (Master Kit)

- Kit of pistons (5 pieces). Many details and spare parts are common with the 5-45RFE.

- The complete kit of friction components is ordered for the automatic transmission reassembly.

The valve body and the block of solenoids are the main vulnerabilities for the 5-45RFE transmission. After 100 thousand kilometers, it is required to monitor the state of these components (oil pressure, cleaning). The valve body and solenoids often reach the end of their service lifespan after 3-5 years of active exploitation, especially with the worn torque converter clutch.

There are problems with the 68RFE torque converter (overrunning clutch, friction, gaskets). It is recommended to replace spare parts in the torque converter quite early, because of problems related to American torque converters.