8HP45 Transmission parts, repair guidelines, problems, manuals

845RE, AL450, 0CM

Transmission general data

Number of gears Transmission Type Drive Torque (Nm) ATF (full capacity) L ATF (change) L ATF type
8 AT RWD/AWD 500 9 6 BMW 222305397
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Technical issues and repair guidelines

For the present these unique transmissions appear in services with the purpose of the oil and filter change.The oil change should be performed in special services where it is also recommended to check the oil level and transparency of the old oil. This transmission is very sensitive to the oil quality, because more than a half of components in this transmission is made of aluminum.The torque converter repair is included in the list of mandatory procedures during ZF8HP transmissions reassembly after travelling 200-300 thousand kilometers.In case of aggressive driving behavior it is advisable to test the torque converter concerning wear-out of the clutch locks and signs of vibrations after 100 thousand kilometers. The oil should be regularly tested for transparency and presence of inclusions.

The first overhaul of 8HP transmissions with burned oil require not only repair of the torque converter but also change of all friction clutches.The most popular spare parts for 6НР transmission as well as for its predecessor are the valve body separator plate made of metal with rubber-covered tracks.Another issue is related to Mechatronics with solenoids which get burned in the summer time traffic jams because of overheating oil of worn-out torque converter lock-up and metal dust falling on magnetic detectors.One of the soft spots turns out to be the aluminum of E clutch – damage of splines: Wheel-hub, HUB "E" Clutch".The repair process also may include the Planetary gear P3 replacement (by 3 satellites for 8HP45 transmission).

It is suggested that the main issue of ZF transmissions related to the solenoid-electro-regulators VFS strong dependency on the oil flow velocity, oil contamination and dust settling inside solenoids that lead to solenoids malfunction resulting in wrong pressure parameters which differ from figures expected by the computer. Conflicts with the computer adjusting to the abovementioned circumstances lead to various unpredictable problems like clutches slippery, pushes and kicks.