9HP28 Transmission parts, repair guidelines, problems, manuals


Transmission general data

Number of gears Transmission Type Drive Torque (Nm) ATF (full capacity) L ATF type
9 AT FWD 280 7.3 ZF Lifeguardfluid 9

9HP28 or 928TE was introduced in 2014. this transmission is light-duty copy of 9HP48 for engines up to 280Nm. It was installed on Chrysler 200, Fist 500, Jeep Renegate.

What are you looking for?

Overhaul Kit | Friction Kit | Friction | Steel Plate | Steel Kit | Band | Solenoid Kit | Solenoid EPC | Solenoid TCC | Pump | Shaft | Drum | Valve body | Torque converter | Hub | Piston | Piston Kit | Planetary Gear | Filter | Gasket | Bushing | Seal | Bearing | Pressure Plate | Stator | Differential | Retainer | Inhibitor Switch | Instruction manual | TOOLS & ACCESORIES | Sensor

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