F5A51 misc Transmission parts, repair guidelines, problems, manuals

Transmission general data

Number of gears Transmission Type Drive ATF (full capacity) L ATF (change) L ATF type
5 AT FWD/4WD 8,4 3,5 SP III
Related transmission models or modifications of this transmission:
Part type (1) Expand

Technical issues and repair guidelines

With regard to clutch packages this automatic transmission is well balanced. These packages work properly during their lifespan. Problems are mainly related to wear-out of seals leading to oil shortages and problems with transmission components.The pump assembly is also replaced under the condition of a long-term operation with worn-out torque converter clutch and subsequent vibrations. Contaminated oil speeds up ageing of the pump and bushing. The pump bushing and the seal are the first to get out of order because of above mentioned problem.

Worn-out bushings are repaired and replaced quite frequently. Then the list of parts to be replaced includes the drum with a sun gear and the brake band. As far as the electrics of this transmission is concerned, speed sensors of the input and output shafts are the first to reach the end of their service lifespan. Solenoids Shift are standardized in all valve bodies. These solenoids operate properly for quite a long time, Solenoid-electric controller EPC (VFS) is the first to get out of order because of high loads.