RL3F01A Transtec Transmission parts, repair guidelines, problems, manuals

Transmission general data

Number of gears Transmission Type Drive Torque (Nm) ATF (full capacity) L ATF (change) L ATF type
3 AT FWD 150 6,1 2,8 AT-Matic D Fluid

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Technical issues and repair guidelines

For the overhaul of this automatic transmission (which takes place very rarely) transmission specialists order the following:

-the kit of friction clutches or clutches Forward (when ordering separate parts).

Metal filter which is usually cleaned and washed. Following the above mentioned recommendations may be enough (if the oil is not burnt) to prolong the service lifespan of this transmission for several years.

- repair kit of gaskets and seals (by the time of the overhaul all gaskets are very old, rubber gets damaged and seals start leaking because of long time in service.