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Probably every transmission repair specialist was keen on LEGO constructions or at least enjoyed making some minor things with their hands. Here's the game taken to a new level of creativity!

Modern auto industry is full of sophisticated drivetrain technologies which are supposed to make your driving experience even more pleasant and trouble-free. Despite a great abundance of sophisticated technical solutions, it is highly likely that very few people know a transmission solution operating like a manual CVT.

Over recent years engineers developed a lot of gear shifting solutions for different car brands, which may seem a bit unusual for oldtime drivers. In this article we will review the most peculiar gear stick technologies and provide video materials related to these technologies.

Only few people know about transmission concepts which were popular 70-90 years ago. For men of today, these gearboxes may seem very unusual and weird, but even now some gearboxes that date back to those years are quite competitive in comparison with modern transmissions.

Nowadays Extroid CVTs are commonly known as “toroidal” due to the fact that the working surface of driving and driven discs in this transmission has the form of a torus. Extroid CVT is not a V-belt transmission, but a friction drive CVT.

Audi e-Fuel

Audi e-Fuel

Audi continues to implement its plan on creation of environment-oriented types of fuel called as e-fuel. The world-known car-maker, in collaboration with Ineratec GmbH and Energiedienst Holding AG, is determined to construct the facility specialized in e-diesel manufacturing.

It is expected that the annual manufacturing volume will figure up to 400 thousand liters. Due to this innovation, СO2 emissions caused by IC engines will be kept to a minimum. The manufacture of GtL fuel consists of the hydropower energy surplus conversion. The first results of this promising initiative are expected in 2018. It is not the first Audi undertaking in this field. Audi has already been cooperating for several years with Sunfire company located in Germany.

Sunfire also works on development of e-fuel, but with the help of another technological approaches. Moreover, Audi has its own facility in Germany, which produces e-gas for some Audi models contributing to cutting CO2 emissions by 80 percent.

Popular articles

Probably every transmission repair specialist was keen on LEGO constructions or at least enjoyed making some minor things with their hands. Here's the game taken to a new level of creativity!

Modern auto industry is full of sophisticated drivetrain technologies which are supposed to make your driving experience even more pleasant and trouble-free. Despite a great abundance of sophisticated technical solutions, it is highly likely that very few people know a transmission solution operating like a manual CVT.

Over recent years engineers developed a lot of gear shifting solutions for different car brands, which may seem a bit unusual for oldtime drivers. In this article we will review the most peculiar gear stick technologies and provide video materials related to these technologies.

Only few people know about transmission concepts which were popular 70-90 years ago. For men of today, these gearboxes may seem very unusual and weird, but even now some gearboxes that date back to those years are quite competitive in comparison with modern transmissions.

Nowadays Extroid CVTs are commonly known as “toroidal” due to the fact that the working surface of driving and driven discs in this transmission has the form of a torus. Extroid CVT is not a V-belt transmission, but a friction drive CVT.