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Probably every transmission repair specialist was keen on LEGO constructions or at least enjoyed making some minor things with their hands. Here's the game taken to a new level of creativity!

Modern auto industry is full of sophisticated drivetrain technologies which are supposed to make your driving experience even more pleasant and trouble-free. Despite a great abundance of sophisticated technical solutions, it is highly likely that very few people know a transmission solution operating like a manual CVT.

Over recent years engineers developed a lot of gear shifting solutions for different car brands, which may seem a bit unusual for oldtime drivers. In this article we will review the most peculiar gear stick technologies and provide video materials related to these technologies.

Only few people know about transmission concepts which were popular 70-90 years ago. For men of today, these gearboxes may seem very unusual and weird, but even now some gearboxes that date back to those years are quite competitive in comparison with modern transmissions.

Nowadays Extroid CVTs are commonly known as “toroidal” due to the fact that the working surface of driving and driven discs in this transmission has the form of a torus. Extroid CVT is not a V-belt transmission, but a friction drive CVT.

Ford Intentionally Hushed Up Powershift Transmission Issues in Focus, Fiesta Models for Years

Ford Intentionally Hushed Up Powershift Transmission Issues in Focus, Fiesta Models for Years

The recent investigation on Powershift transmission issues in Ford Fiesta and Focus models, conducted by Detroit Free Press, revealed that the company was fully aware of issues with the gear shifting unit even before both models hit the market. Thanks to the use of internal documents, emails and court records, Free Press established numerous facts that the automaker had been misinforming its customers about the real state of affairs around the problematic Powershift (also known as DPS6) solution.

Fiesta and Focus models equipped with the Powershift transmission

Both models equipped with the flawed transmission unit went on sale in 2010-11 when the US started recovering from the financial crisis, thus these low-cost vehicles caused a huge demand among customers, who had not a clue about the problems awaiting them. In many cases, the euphoria of getting a new car very soon turned into great disappointment caused by transmission issues, which manifested themselves in sudden speed-ups, sputtering, and slipping into N gear at highway speed.

It is assumed that numerous issues with the Powershift unit were due to the fact that the automaker made a decision to use the DCT solution too late, and the fact that Ford hadn't try this transmission on models offered at the US market before. The investigation materials say that before the sale launch of both cars, Ford engineers warned the company’s officials that the transmission had numerous shortcomings, but Ford management insisted on the release and simply chose to provide needed fixes along the way.

The owner of 2014 Ford Focus shares his thoughts on transmission issues in his car

After the official launch, Ford was bombarded with numerous complaints from the customer regarding the abovementioned transmission issues. More than four thousand complaints were sent to NHTSA regarding the transmission. For many years, the company tried to find an efficient solution for the abovementioned issues, but to no avail – and complaints and costs piled up. At some point, Ford even considered the possibility of replacing the Powershift unit with another transmission, but abandoned the idea, because it turned economically unviable. Eventually, Ford had to face numerous lawsuits and issued a recall of 2012 Fiesta and Focus models.

In response to the scandal, Ford representative T.R. Reid acknowledged that the company had some issues with the Powershift unit when both models went on sale, but he emphasized the fact that the cars were safe to drive. Reid also pointed out that the company would love to deal with issues faster than it did. In regards to the published investigation, Reid described it as "extensive" but "incomplete". Reid also claimed that the paper gave Ford advance notice on Monday about the report, but gave the company a matter of several hours to provide a response. Reid has noted that the company works on a class action lawsuit settlement.

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Probably every transmission repair specialist was keen on LEGO constructions or at least enjoyed making some minor things with their hands. Here's the game taken to a new level of creativity!

Modern auto industry is full of sophisticated drivetrain technologies which are supposed to make your driving experience even more pleasant and trouble-free. Despite a great abundance of sophisticated technical solutions, it is highly likely that very few people know a transmission solution operating like a manual CVT.

Over recent years engineers developed a lot of gear shifting solutions for different car brands, which may seem a bit unusual for oldtime drivers. In this article we will review the most peculiar gear stick technologies and provide video materials related to these technologies.

Only few people know about transmission concepts which were popular 70-90 years ago. For men of today, these gearboxes may seem very unusual and weird, but even now some gearboxes that date back to those years are quite competitive in comparison with modern transmissions.

Nowadays Extroid CVTs are commonly known as “toroidal” due to the fact that the working surface of driving and driven discs in this transmission has the form of a torus. Extroid CVT is not a V-belt transmission, but a friction drive CVT.