A727 TransGo Transmission parts, repair guidelines, problems, manuals

Transmission general data

Number of gears Transmission Type Drive ATF (full capacity) L ATF (change) L ATF type
3 AT RWD 8,2 3,8 Mopar ATF+3

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Technical issues and repair guidelines

This type of transmission may be specified by peculiarly shaped 14-bolt oil pan. The A-727 uses a paper fluid filter and has 2 transmission bands (reverse and kick-down). It had been one of the most adaptable Chrysler gearboxes for over 3 decades, due to its durability and efficiency. Therefore many automakers selected A-727 for their products.

After some time this transmission received new names and broken up into 2 categories of the 36RH and 37RH gearboxes, where "3" specifies that it is a 3-speed gearbox, "6/7" are strength indications, "R" means that it is designed for RWD application.